Why Study Metallurgical/Mineral Processing Engineering at Montana Tech?

Montana Tech has awarded degrees in Metallurgical Engineering since 1922. 建立在我们一个世纪的冶金和材料科学专业知识的项目,有一个伟大的职业机会和毕业生安置记录.

Excellent Career Outcomes and Placement

冶金工程专业研究生的就业机会和安置情况都很好. Companies who have hired our graduate students in recent years include Pegasus Gold; Kaiser Aluminum; Stillwater Mining Co.; Placer Dome U.S., Inc.; Newmont Gold Co.; American Barrick Resources Corp.; Santa Fe Pacific Gold Corp.; ASARCO, Inc.; Phelps Dodge Corp.; AMAX Gold, Inc.; Magma Metals Co., and the USBM.

Three options for individualized research

Graduate research may be pursued in any of three areas of concentration. Mineral Processing Engineering 从原矿中提取、分离和浓缩矿物. Extractive Metallurgy focuses on refining processes, such as pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and electrometallurgy, through which concentrates are refined into a pure metal form. Materials Science emphasizes the study of physical and chemical properties associated with metals, ceramics, glasses, plastics, and slag.

State-of-the-Art Labs and Equipment

我们的实验室帮助冶金工程研究生进行有影响力的研究. Use state-of-the-art analytical, laboratory, and field equipment. 您将有机会使用仪器进行冶金工程研究,并有机会与教师进行一对一的工作.


通过在许多就业领域的各种冶金工程实习,获得更多的实践经验, such as engineering consulting, biomaterials, or aerospace. As an in-demand metallurgical engineering student, you’ll have your pick of top internships in your area of interest.

Outstanding Location

While earning your graduate degree in materials science and engineering, 你也将有无数的机会享受蒙大拿州的户外美景,无论是在比尤内外还是在整个州. Butte boasts access to several ski hills, hot springs and a plethora of camping, hiking, road and biking locations.

5th Year Master’s

合格的蒙大拿州理工大学本科生有机会获得加速硕士学位,通过获得所需的研究生课程的启动. 精心设计,将合格的研究生水平的课程纳入本科课程,将导致加速硕士学位.

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A Century of Metallurgy and Materials Science

What is Metallurgical and Materials Engineering?

冶金与材料工程是一个多元化和有趣的专业,影响着我们经济的几乎每一个方面. It applies chemistry, physics and math to recycling and treating wastes, separating minerals into concentrates, producing and purifying metals, manufacturing metals into products, creating materials, and joining materials together.

冶金与材料工程专业的学生通过一系列的实验室学习创新的奇迹,以及如何操纵材料以满足现代需求. As one of Montana Tech’s lab-based “heritage programs,学生通过在强调实践性的实验室中“动手”体验式学习来强化理论概念, industry-based exercises.


What Kinds of Jobs Do Metallurgical/ Mineral Processing Graduates Get?

冶金/矿物加工毕业生从事金属和非金属加工和制造的各个方面的工作. 矿物加工工程师有责任接受从地球上开采出来的矿石, comminuting the ore until liberation occurs, and then removing the valuable minerals in the form of concentrates. 冶金工程师从精矿中提取有价值的金属, remove impurities from the metals using aqueous or thermal chemistry, and then market the purified metal as a commodity. 物理冶金工程师接受各种纯化金属和合金来控制许多特性,包括强度和耐腐蚀性. 材料工程师控制相同的特性,但与塑料有关, composites, glasses, ceramics, etc.

20 innovative labs on campus
100% placement rate

Learn more about our outcomes.

High Starting Salaries

Explore Classes in Metallurgical and Materials Processing

M.S. 冶金/选矿工程学位可通过两种选择获得. 选择A,论文选项,需要20个课程学分,8个论文学分和3个研讨学分. 选项B,非论文选项,需要34个课程学分和3个研讨学分. 课程计划将由学生和研究生导师与研究生咨询委员会协商后确定. The student must demonstrate competence in both oral and written communication, advanced mathematics, and use of computers.

Off-campus research is encouraged. 学位要求与上述内部研究论文项目相同. 这允许学生在他们工作的地方进行论文研究项目.

Learn More About Metallurgical Engineering/Minerals Processing at Montana Tech
Program Faculty

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, etc.

Advisory Board

Industry professionals guide our program.

Catalog Details

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Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Jerome Downey
Professor and Department Head